Rensselaer's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) ensures that Rensselaer researchers provide humane care and follow ethical guidelines for all research and training involving animals.

The NIH’s Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) strictly regulates the care and use of animals in training and research activities. The federal mandate requires that: "Each institution which falls under authority of the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA) protects all mammals beyond but not including rodents and/or receives PHS support for research and teaching involving laboratory animals must operate a program with clear lines of authority and responsibility, a properly functioning Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), procedures for self-monitoring, adequate veterinary care, a program of occupational health, sound animal husbandry practices and appropriate maintenance of facilities for housing animals." 

Rensselaer’s animal care and use program has recently (June 2024) been awarded AAALAC accreditation.  AAALAC International is a nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in research through a voluntary accreditation and assessment process. To achieve accreditation, Rensselaer had to demonstrate that it met the minimum standards required by law, and was also going the extra step to promote excellence in its animal care and use practices. AAALAC accreditation is good for three years.

Information about RPI’s animal care and use program:

  • Has an approved assurance with OLAW (D16-00327; A3538-01)
  • Is accredited by AAALAC International (#002007)
  • Retains the services of a licensed veterinarian who is certified in the field of laboratory animal medicine.
  • Provides occupational health guidance and care for all researchers and staff.
  • The IACUC reports to the Vice President for Research, Rensselaer’s Institutional Official (IO) of record.

Rick Relyea, Ph.D., Chair
Robert Hull, Ph.D., Institutional Official (IO)
Brandt Burgess, Ph.D., Compliance Director

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