All members of the Rensselaer research community have access to online research training courses through The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program).

The CITI Program provides high quality, peer-reviewed, web-based educational courses in research, ethics, regulatory oversight, responsible conduct of research, research administration, and other topics pertinent to the interests of member organizations and individual learners.

Faculty investigators are responsible for ensuring that their student, postdoctoral, and visiting researchers complete the required CITI training courses before beginning research.

Training Requirements by Role

Must complete the following Conflicts of Interest (COI) CITI course:

  • COI: Conflicts of Interest Basic

Starting July 31, 2023, the NSF will require all PIs, co-PIs, and other senior personnel listed on NSF grants, along with post-docs, graduate students and undergraduate who are paid from NSF grants, to complete Responsible & Ethical Conduct of Research training (RECR).

Must complete one of the following Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) CITI courses (choose most relevant field):

  • Biomedical
  • Engineering
  • Physical Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Social and Behavioral

Instructions for creating a Rensselaer‐affiliated CITI account and completing the RCR course

Strongly encouraged to complete one of the following Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) CITI courses (choose most relevant field):

  • Biomedical
  • Engineering
  • Physical Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Social and Behavioral

Note: The Office of Graduate Education requires all graduate students to complete the RCR training prior to candidacy.

Instructions for creating a Rensselaer‐affiliated CITI account and completing the RCR course

Human Subject Research

Must complete one of the following Human Subject Research (IRB) CITI courses (choose most relevant field):

  • IRB: Human Subject Research (Biomedical)
  • IRB: Human Subject Research (Social and Behavioral)

Instructions for creating a Rensselaer‐affiliated CITI account and completing the HSR course

Must complete one of the following Human Subject Research (IRB) CITI course:

  • IRB: Human Subject Research

Instructions for creating a Rensselaer‐affiliated CITI account and completing the HSR course

Animal Research

Must complete the following Animal Care and Use (IACUC) CITI course:

  • IACUC:  Animal Care and Use (Investigators, Staff, Students) CITI course

Must complete any of the following modules that apply:

  • IACUC: Aseptic Surgery for Non-Rodent Species
  • IACUC: Reducing Pain and Distress in Mice and Rats
  • IACUC: Research with Wildlife
  • IACUC: Research  with Amphibians
  • IACUC: Research  with Horses
  • IACUC: Research  with Mice
  • IACUC: Research  with Rabbits
  • IACUC: Research  with Rats

Biological Material

Must initially complete the following trainings


“Laboratory Safety at Rensselaer: 1.0”

“Biosafety Procedures at Rensselaer”

CITI program:

“NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines”

If you work with human cells, infectious agents, or biologically-derived toxins, you must also complete “OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens”.


The above trainings are good for 4 years, after which you can renew your training by taking the CITI program training entitled “Initial Biosafety Training”

Protected Health Information (PHI)

Must complete the following Information Privacy and Security (IPC) CITI course:

  • IRB: HIPAA and Health Privacy for Human Subject Research (ID: 94023)

Export Control

A “yes” answer to any of the following questions indicates that the research, information to be released or research tool to be used might be subject to export controls and should be reviewed by the Export Control Office. It is also highly recommended that researchers take CITI training course entitled Export Control Compliance for Researchers

  • Research that involves export restricted science and engineering areas including defense articles or services, missiles, chemical & biological weapons, nuclear technology, work with designated select agents, high performance computing, and encryption technology.
  • Research that involves the use of controlled unclassified information (CUI), export controlled information, items, or technology (e.g., export restricted information, controlled IR cameras, government controlled data, or technology received from outside the university).
  • Research that involves the transfer of project information, equipment, materials, or receive financial support from sources outside of the U.S. (e.g., sending project deliverables or providing funding via a subcontract)
  • Any part of the research will take place outside the U.S. or will include international travel (e.g., field work outside the U.S., attending an international conference to present results, or providing professional services)
  • Research that involves foreign individuals as faculty, visiting scientists or collaborator(s), or other foreign entities (e.g., Non-U.S. Company, university, or other organization).
  • “Foreign Person” graduate students, trainees, or other Rensselaer employees that will be or are involved in the research and the research has not yet been determined to be Fundamental Research by the federal government awarding agency or RPI’s Export Control Office.
  • Uncertain of the technology developed, discovered (born) during the course of the research project.
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