The Institutional Stem Cell Research Oversight (ISCRO) committee functions as the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute human embryonic stem cell, pluripotent stem cell and adult stem cell research oversight committee.
Rensselaer’s ISCRO policy and review process is based on the National Academy of Science (NAS) and International Society of Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) standards for human stem cell research that are the current guiding principles used in the United States for work in this field, as well as New York Empire State Stem Cell Board (ESSCB) requirements. Covered research is reviewed by the committee to ensure that the science is appropriate and ethical according to accepted stem cell guidelines (NAS and ISSCR) and that all personnel working with stem cells receive ethical training in their use.
The ISCRO reports to Rensselaer’s Vice President for Research (VPR) on any issues that arise related to the conduct and use of human stem cells (embryonic, pluripotent or adult) in research involving RPI faculty, students and staff.
Deanna Thompson, Ph.D., Chair
Robert Hull, Ph.D., Institutional Official (IO)
Brandt Burgess, Ph.D., Compliance Director
- The principal investigator must complete either the ISCRO long or short application form based on the type of research being proposed-see ISCRO Submission Application Flowchart.
- The completed application should then be submitted to the ISCRO Chair at
- All modifications to an approved protocol must be submitted using the ISCRO Amendment Form. The revised work must be approved in writing by the ISCRO committee prior to implementation.
- Approvals are for two years, no annual updates.
- Rensselaer Center for Stem Cell Research
- National Academies of Science
- International Society for Stem Cell Research(ISSCR)
- Wisconsin International Stem Cell Bank
- International Stem Cell Registry
- A Closer Look at Stem Cell Treatments
- National Institute of Health (NIH)
- New York State Stem Cell Science(NYSTEM)