Foreign Direct Investment Road Show
Global Recognition
Foreign Direct Investment Road Show

Last fall, representatives from 25 foreign countries and territories toured business and academic locations in the Capital Region—including Rensselaer—as part of an initiative to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to New York state. The two-day “Global NY FDI Road Show” made stops at three locations in the Capital Region, with 36 consuls general and other foreign representatives who traveled from New York City for the opportunity.
Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul, who addressed the leaders from six continents, said, “New York state has the talent and the resources to attract foreign investment in a number of industries. The more we expose the international community to the wealth of opportunities New York state has to offer, the more foreign direct investment we will attract.”
At Rensselaer, the group spent a half-day in the Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies (CBIS). Speakers included Steve Rock, senior research scientist, who spoke about the work being done in the Center for Automation Technologies and Systems; Nick Viggiani, assistant vice president for research, who spoke about Rensselaer applied research and industry partnerships; and CBIS Director Deepak Vashishth, who gave an overview of the research at CBIS and who also led a tour of the facility. The session concluded with a working lunch led by Jonathan Dordick, vice president for research, who spoke on “Research That Matters.”